Apparently the cord blood donor options are the results of the high resolution HLA typing. We were under the assumption that those were from the low resolution, and they needed the high resolution to narrow it down. Instead, those were the narrowed down choices. The doctors keep telling us how fortunate it is to have so many options. So now, since they have so many, they are doing an even more refined comparison of his blood to the donor cords. They have the luxury of being lucky about which one they ultimately choose for his transplant.
Some great news: all transplants that have been done at Texas Children's that used cord blood engrafted well, and all are still engrafted. That means that those who had cord blood used for their transplant have never gone on to have graft vs host disease later in life. That isn't to say that they didn't have any issues at first. I don't know if they did or not, but the doctor specifically said that all cord blood transplants are still engrafted now.
Now we are just waiting on Dr. Krance to decide which cord blood is going to be used, then give us a date for the transplant. Once that is set, they will be able to determine when his chemotherapy will start. Dr. Hanson is asking him every day when he will have more information. I think she is starting to annoy him at this point. But it's nice to know she is trying to get it all moving as quickly as possible for us. I like having proactive doctors working on Cael.
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