
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Best Day Yet!

Cael has been doing better every day, and today was the best one in several months. He is eating so much better. Today he has had 14 ounces (420 mL), and it is only 5:00. I imagine he will eat at least one more time today, so I am hoping he will take about 16-18 ounces total today. He also is working on his baby foods. Today he has had 3 ounces so far. We might try to give him some more at dinner, too.

He has been rolling a lot today, as well as working on pulling up and walking! We put him down on his mat, and he rolled over all the way to the other edge. So much for being able to put him down and turn away for even a minute! He is going to need constant watching from now on. When I sit down on the floor with him, he also tries to immediately pull up to a stand. And most excitingly for me, when we have him standing up, he is starting to take steps!! This started just a few days ago, at which time, I pretty much had to lift him up to get him to take the steps. The entire time he would be upset, too. Now he is stepping all on his own, and he is so happy about it.

Other things that he now does that are exciting...If someone claps and he sees it, he will also clap. When he does this, we all yell, "Yay, Cael!" And I think he is starting to wave "bye, bye". I was skyping with my family, and at the end I was waving bye to my mom and Cael started flapping his hands up and down like I was. We will have to see if he continues to do that.

Medically, he is also doing better. His neutrophil count went down after the GCSF was stopped, but as of Friday, it has started to increase again. His platelets, white cell count and ANC have all gone up without any help from medicine. All of that is happening by Cael's new immune system.

I just can't believe how fast he is developing. I shouldn't be surprised, as many people have told me that he will fly through the steps more quickly than usual. Still, it is so exciting!

1 comment:

  1. so thankful for improving health and the wonderful progress you are seeing in Cael. love that he's feeling better and wanting to do more on his own. prayers continue. know you will enjoy celebrating your little fellow big 1st birthday.
