
Sunday, October 28, 2012


My mom called me this morning. Apparently, me not posting for a day might concern some people, thinking something is wrong. lol. Everything is fine. I just didn't get around to posting.

Cael has an appetite again!! Yesterday he ate 4 times! He still only took about 14 ounces, but the fact that he ate at all was awesome. Today, he has also been drinking. They started the TPN yesterday, which runs 24 hours a day. They will probably wean that down as long as he is eating consistently.

He absolutely HATES the breathing treatments still. He cried and screamed for an hour this morning until he finally calmed down. I even tried laying down next to him and rubbing his leg so he would know I was there, but that didn't work. I'm really hoping he gets used to it soon, seeing as he will be getting those treatments for a few weeks at minimum.

I can really tell that the physical therapy has been helping. Cael can sit so well now. He sits up so straight, and he can reach to the sides for objects without falling over. He definitely couldn't do that a month ago.

Last night, Jamie from my work brought us some super yummy dinner. My favorite food is mexican/ tex-mex, and we just can't get anything good around here. So she brought us some Chuy's, which is a mexican restaurant. Thank you!! We always appreciate meals that aren't fast food or hospital food.

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