
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Finally back to the BMT

Cael has finally been transferred back to the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit! Hurray!! We were told at 10:00 pm that we were moving upstairs, and here it is 11:30, and we are settled in and I'm blogging. Unfortunately, they woke up Cael, who has finally stopped waking up in the middle of the night. It sounds like he is asleep again, so at least it wasn't too long.

He will start chemotherapy this coming week. I'm looking forward to the process getting done. Not so much to the whole process itslef. I know he will be a trooper and fight his way through it, but I still don't want to see him sick and miserable.

I plan to spend the next few days taking lots of pictures of him before he looses his hair and doesn't feel like his happy self. So I will post a few pictures soon!


  1. Hey lovely, will you fb message me your new room number? I don't wanna send you a whole huge package again, but would like to send y'all a little mail. :)

  2. Will be praying for this precious boy may god lay his healing hands on him through this rough process n may god help the family through this also

  3. This breaks my heart my baby is a little over 9 months and has that same charming smile Cael has. I as a mother can only imagine how much this hurts to see your sweet baby boy like this I pray for strength to get you through this and of course for your precious baby. God bless you and his sweet little face...

  4. Just read your blog for the 1st time. I have a six month old baby boy & it completely broke my heart to see what Cael is going through. I am sending tons of positive thoughts & prayers your way.
