
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Baby weight roller coaster

Taking Cael's weight every morning has its good side and bad. When we first got to the hospital 4 weeks ago, he was 7.0 kg (15.4 lb). After 2 weeks, his weight hadn't really gone anywhere - he was at 7.1 kg. Then we increased the calories in his formula and fortified the breastmilk to add calories, which helped him up to 7.3 kg by the end of week 3. When we transferred from Dell to Texas Children's, the new doctors wanted me to stop breastfeeding. They thought that maybe the antibodies that were transferred in the breast milk was maybe causing some problems for him. He kept increasing for the first several days. Now for the past 3 days he has been going down again. If I wasn't able to see his weight every single day, I wouldn't ever think his weight was changing at all. So to see it each day is giving me a bit of a complex!                                                                              

We are trying very hard to keep his weight up. I hate to put so much stress of making him eat, and keeping him plump. Right now he is only in the 10th percentile for his length. Although, to look at him, I swear he looks very healthy and chubby. The nurses and doctors have told us that when the transplant process is happening, the kids usually will stop eating all together. They just feel really crummy and are very weak, so they just have no interest in eating. If that happens, they will have to give him a feeding tube to make sure he is getting his nutrients. I think they can do some through his IV as well.

We were having some troubles getting him to eat for the past few days, but today he seems to be doing much better. I'm hoping it was just a weird phase, or that his nose was plugged up, making it hard for him to eat.

On a similar note, Cael has 2 teeth now! The second one just came in a week or 2 ago. He is chewing on EVERYTHING!

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