
Friday, August 24, 2012


Kids being born now obviously have so many more technologies to grow up with than ever before. It amazes me how quickly Cael is learning about these things. For instance, when I raise the camera or my phone to take a picture, he smiles so big. Or when I grab my iPad, he immediately lunges for it, and when he gets to it, he starts smacking the screen. We have a few games on the iPad that are geared toward very young kids. There are a couple that have big keyed pianos, with characters that giggle or sing. Those are his favorite. He hasn't figured out the ones that require touching parts of the face or body, but he sure knows when that piano is in front of him that he can smack away and get sound out of it. He has even figured out that our phones do the same thing.

He was sitting in my lap when I grabbed the iPad to put on a little baby Einstein show for him. When he saw it, he dropped his blocks and started leaning every which way so he could see it fully. Lol. He is such a smart little thing!
This is from the other day. He is so interested in the iPad. (We were watching Winnie the Pooh)

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