The results of the ultrasound came back today. They said that it looks like there is some blockage in his kidney. They collected a urine sample to do some test on today or tomorrow. Also, his liver enzymes are a little bit higher than they should be. The last thing they said is that everything is moving very slowly, in regards to digestion. The liver problems may be due to one of the medicines he is taking. That medicine is a preventative for fungal infections. He doesn't, and hasn't had any fungal infections, so they might take him off that medication. They have to check with the transplant doctor first. As he gets closer to transplant, they would probably want him on it anyway. I don't know what is causing the slow digestion, or the kidney blockage. They really didn't give us any more information about those things.
I find it very hard to make sure I ask all the questions to the doctors when they give us new information. Luckily, we see them every day, so we can ask new questions tomorrow. Such as, what is causing the slow digestion. Seems like something I should have asked when they were here earlier. And maybe I did, but just didn't get an answer. That seems to happen a lot. We ask a question, and they do everything except answer it. They tell us all kinds of information, but never really answer the question we asked. Tomorrow I will be sure to ask more about what they found on the CT.
There was no more throwing up today, and his appetite was a bit better. Yesterday he took 17 ounces, and today he took 24. It still isn't as much as he should be having, but it is a step in the right direction. And today was e first time in weeks that he actually cried because he was hungry. For several weeks, we have been feeding him every 3-4 hours, whether he indicated he was hungry or not. Today, he woke up from his night sleep at 7:00, crying for food, and again from his afternoon nap because he was hungry. Perhaps he was just having a very bad day yesterday with the eating.
He is cutting two new teeth on the top! He is chewing on everything and sucking on his lips a lot. I guess that could be another reason that he isn't eating well. Poor guy. On top of all this other stuff, he has to deal with teething! He is really being good though. He isn't particularly fussy or anything. He is SUCH a good baby.
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