
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Still not eating well

Cael's eating is getting worse. Today he only drank 18 ounces of formula. Last week he was averaging about 30 ounces per day. A month ago, it was 40 ounces per day. I seem to be better at getting him to take the formula than Adam. When I got back today from work, I was able to get him to take 6.5 ounces, while Adam could only get him to take 11 ounces all day, in 2-3 ounce feedings.

I'm not getting to work as much as I thought I would. Since he has been having bad days, I haven't been going to work as much. It's just too much to try and work when I can only concentrate on Cael. Plus i dont want to leave Adam alone to deal with him throwing up a lot. It is quite stressful to deal with trying to clean him up, make sure he doesn't choke or aspirate, and get the nurse when you are all alone.

They did an ultrasound on Cael's belly today to see if anything looked strange, or if there was anything obstructing it. We haven't heard anything about it yet. Maybe tomorrow the doctor will tell us what they found out.

He also got IV-IG today. That is when they give him IgG, which is the immunoglobulin that his body doesn't produce enough of. I think he will continue to get that every few weeks until it has been determined that his immune system is re-established. Once his immune system is back up, he should be able to produce IgG.

Cael didn't throw up at all today. Although, that may be in part to due with him not eating much at all today. That's about the best news of today. Oh, actually there is one more bit. The doctor seems to think he will be getting his CT next week. After that, if it looks good, they will try to set a date for the transplant. I'm not holding my breathe for it though. They keep saying things like that, then it gets pushed back. I guess we will just have to wait and see. (which seems like all we are doing right now)

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