
Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 9

We had a pretty calm weekend. No tests done, no new news. Cael did okay with is eating. One day he ate lots each meal, but the next he ate very little each time, and just ate a lot more often. We were told not to force him to eat. We have taught him the sign for milk, which has very much come in handy! When he is hungry, he will sign. So every time he makes the sign, we offer him some formula. Instead of forcing him to eat a lot each time, and just offering it when he says he wants it, has taken away a little bit of the stress that came along with feeding him. However, I still worry about the total ounces he eats each day. I really want it to be around 30 ounces, minimum so in the evening, if he hasn't had enough, I stress a little, and try to get him to eat more.

They have also increased the calories in his formula. Typical formula has 20 calories per ounce. They have increased his to have 22 calories per ounce. Hopefully that will help with his weight. He has been up and down again. He was up to 7.8, then went down to 7.6 over 3 days, and is now back up to 7.8 again.

We now have some mats to put on the ground for Cael to play on, so we are trying to help him learn to crawl. He seems like he really wants to move, but really isn't trying to crawl at all. He lays on his tummy, lifts his front, and kicks his legs. But as soon as I lift his bottom and put him on his knees, he face plants on the ground and won't hold his weight up. One doctor said he should be able to crawl by now, but I'm still not too worried. He is able to stand with some help balancing, so I'm thinking maybe he just doesn't want to crawl, and will go straight to walking. I know all babies develop on their own schedule, so I'm not too worried just yet.

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